Executive Property Wash In Milford, Auckland

The owner of this beautiful home wanted a full executive property wash from top to bottom. Everything from the butanol (A synthetic rubber membrane with properties which resist ageing from heat, sunlight and ozone) membrane on the roof to the marble tiles in the courtyard needed a good clean up.
AWL’s executive property wash, was the perfect fit and after some negotiation, and much careful consideration, not to mention extensive reference checking we were awarded the job.
One of the clients major concerns was that he did not want the use of any harsh chemicals because of the risk of damaging his gardens. Another aspect that was very important to him was the end result had to guarantee clean streak free glass. Totally understandable when you consider the awesome views from all rooms in this house.
In addition to the building wash, we also cleaned out and flushed all the guttering systems to ensure they were all free-flowing and treated the roof to prevent the growth of lichen and algae. All paths, pavers and patio areas were all restored to their former glory.
This amazing property is just another example of the magnificent lifestyle here in Auckland. The only thing separating this property from the beach is the wall you see in the picture above. The weather was overcast on the day we actually took the pictures so you don’t really get the full impact of just how stunning it looked by the end of the job.
This is an amazing house and the original owner was a fan of the movie the ‘Titanic’ so when he built the property he did so with the idea of giving his guests the sensation of being on the front of a ship when you stand out on the top balcony (roof) as if you’ve just stepped out of the wheelhouse. The polished chrome railings really do give the feeling of walking around the deck of an ocean-going vessel with the sweet smell of the sea and the warm breezes coming in off the beach.
We had a ball on this job and the client was extremely happy with the end result and promises to recommend our executive property wash service to friends and family.
If you own an executive property in the Auckland area that needs a cleanup, give us a call and we’ll be happy to discuss your requirements on site.