Cleaning Cedar Cladding?
Cleaning Cedar Cladding - Should I or Shouldn't I?
"What's the best way to go about cleaning cedar cladding," is a question that we get asked on a frequent basis.
The answer we give is always the same: "It depends on what you are cleaning it for."
Let me explain.
If you are simply trying to get rid of dust and cobwebs, as a maintenance wash, then you can pretty much do that yourself with a soft brush and a garden hose.
On the other hand, if you are planning or need to have your cedar cladding restained or oiled, then we advise that you get a professional, someone experienced in cleaning cedar cladding, to assess your building to ensure you get the best possible solution.
Common signs that cleaning cedar cladding is required.
Below you will see 3 pictures which clearly demonstrate how neglected cedar can look. These are common signs that your property is in definite need of some tender loving care.

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